What are the benefits of advertising on TV before any other medium?
Advertising influences nearly 90 percent of consumers’ decisions to purchase goods and services. This includes not only traditional media, such as television, print, radio and outdoor billboards, but new concepts, such as the Internet and mobile advertising. With so many advertising mediums available, business owners may wonder about the benefits of TV advertising over other mediums. In fact, TV advertising offers benefits before any other medium, which makes its effective use of advertising dollars.
TV ads can help you reach a larger audience in a meaningful way, in a way that consumers know and trust.
Reach a larger audience
Among the advantages of television advertising is the opportunity to reach mass audiences through a single advertising space. Watching TV is the most popular leisure activity in the country, with an American citizen watching about five hours a day. Additionally, studies have shown that 60 percent of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching an ad on TV compared to just over 40 percent versus watching ads online or through social media.
In contrast, the radio audience tends to be more fragmented and smaller due to the presence of more local stations than television. Because there are fewer local TV stations, audiences are spread out into larger segments of the people who will see your ad. The widespread appeal of television may also make consumers more receptive to television advertisements than other media. Many audiences are interested in and attracted to creative and manufactured TV commercials as shown by the popular publicity about Super Bowl commercials.
The ability to target your audience
Other advantages of advertising on TV are the ability to target a specific audience and expand reach by encouraging more interaction on social networks. Advertisers can target their audience by purchasing ads during shows that the audience is most likely to see. Toy manufacturers may want to advertise Saturday morning caricatures, for example, while a local bar and grill may want to advertise during sporting events. Business owners can advertise independent or local television stations to further narrow the demographic focus.
Both reach and brand awareness can be expanded as advertisers encourage viewers to interact with their products while using additional social media technologies and media. More than 70% of TV viewers use an additional device such as a tablet or smartphone while watching TV and are often connected to friends online at the same time. Advertisers can encourage participation by directing viewers to enter an online sweepstakes or visit their website. Viewers also tend to text your friends about a product they just saw or announce more information about a product they’re interested in.
Television gathers captive audiences
Another benefit of TV advertising is a restricted audience and any additional competition. Even if the TV ad only puts your product in the spotlight for only a few seconds. This contrasts with newspapers, telephone directories, or other print media where advertisements may be relatively small and placed directly alongside competitors’ advertisements. In radio, listeners frequently listen to several stations by flipping over the radio, so advertisers may need to advertise on many stations to reach the target audience, and consumers may encounter competitors’ products.
Cost provides trustworthiness
Although TV advertising is more expensive to produce than other advertising, commercial air time can be expensive, promotional materials on TV are the most impactful because consumers trust them above other mediums. It has the advantage of evolving before any other medium because it combines both visual and auditory stimulation. Interesting camera angles, the combination of images and words is not only more interesting but gives a more realistic view of a product than a single still image. Television advertisements have the ability to show the product, show its use and demonstrate the benefits of ownership or consumption.